Kris Josef Photography

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Green Eggs

The day to wear nothing but GREEN! Yes! It was Thursday morning and also St. Patrick's Day a day where most would get completely wasted out of there mind with GREEN beer, GREEN shots and of course the infamous GUINNESS. I had other plans this year. I woke up to try and enjoy a bit of the Irish spirit by making an egg white omelet with spinach and celery, green peppers on the side and a hard boiled egg. I KNOW! I KNOW- I could have at least added food coloring but I looked in several places in the city but SOLD OUT! Bars really get a head start on this stuff.

I tried to make it Green!

It was an absolutely gorgeous day outside today, 9 degrees so I figured why not head on out for a walk. I took a small little stroll down the street and back to my place to unfortunately wash dishes, containers, pans and my steamer- *sigh*. My boyfriend is also working today so I figured I owed it to him to make a small little something for him when he came over.

Until he came over it was time to hit up Goodlife and get at my weights and cardio. Today I was working on my Shoulders, Arms & Legs- what a rough day! I gave it everything I had in my shoulder and arm exercises all the way til failure and my arms and shoulders felt like they were going to EXPLODE- no really! They were so pumped up it was insane. I decided to take it a little easier on my legs since I still had to do cardio after and didn't want to skip out on it. Still stiff-legged at the end of my workout from some Single-Leg SB Squats, I headed over to the treadmill to get a solid 30 minute incline in. I actually was surprised to see how busy it was in the gym for St. Patrick's Day- I just assumed everyone would be out partying I guess I was wrong! There are CRAZY people just like me out in this world- hmmm interesting, this makes me happy.

Lean & Mean Machine

After the gym I hit the showers and then was off to search for some goodies for my boyfriend to hopefully make his day a little bit better. I went and bought him some Green Thumb candies and an Aero Mint chocolate bar as it was St. Paddy's Day but I still didn't feel quite satisfied. I went and bought him his two favorites- Red Licorice and Cadbury Mini Eggs. I must say for someone dieting so insanely its weird that I have such a negative influence on him- haha! The real truth behind it all is I'm pretending its actually going into my belly and my "buying" these candies I get some sort of satisfaction- hmm maybe OR maybe I want him to buy me a ZILLION candies when I am done my competition- hahah what a vicious cycle.

Candies were bought and it was time to get one the bus and head home to make myself a GREEN protein shake. So the sad part is I had no food coloring so I needed to somehow improvise- hmm spinach? YES! I had put a scoop of vanilla protein in, water, ice cubes and a handful of spinach- TA DA! A St. Paddy's Day shake :O Surprisingly it was quite delicious and I could not taste the spinach AT ALL--I just seen the small chunks of them floating around my cup. Now to maybe make my boyfriend something healthy before he gets too much delicious treats- I made him a spinach salad with red peppers, celery, broccoli, seasoned and fried eggplant topped with almonds and spiced chicken. I am pretty sure he like it as he ate it all pretty darn fast or he was just starving and anything would do either case it was gone. Next time an actual meal besides a simple salad would be nicer Caitlin!

My GREEN Shake- YUM!

We spent the rest of the night browing the internet at hot locations for a possible getaway. My 22nd birthday is coming near, right after I finish my fitness competition- what better way to reward myself and enjoy my birthday- hmm some serious thought process occurring. Sam is even preparing by trying out my shorts- he says if we go he's gonna wear these old ones of mine that no longer fit me EVERYDAY!! EWWW NO!!

Busted and EWWWW!     

Till tomorrow bloggers,
Love you all,
Caitlin Cooke #11

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