Kris Josef Photography

Thursday 10 March 2011


As tired as I was this morning I was up bright and early at 7:30am to get ready for a lonnnng day! Luckily I had prepped every single meal the night before so the only thing I had to worry about was my get me up breakfast. It was a goody too! Egg whites with spinach, 1 hard boiled egg, shredded wheat and some more spinach with a little bit of balsamic. Talk about a champions breakfast or maybe Popeyes breakfast, all I know is that it was DELICIOUS this morning!
Breakfast of Champions

After breakfast it was off to the gym since I was going to be working 3-9pm tonight at the salon. I am not really a fan of the morning workouts I must say. I have always been a late afternoon or evening type of workout gal. Gives me time to actually "wake up"! Sooo unfortunately at the gym in the morning to work on some Back & Abs. Yah boi! I added weight to almost all my previous weight of three days ago and even did more reps on some of the sets. I could feel my back today alright and not to metion my abs felt like a ring of fire for at least an hour after my workout. I ended up running into a friend of my Winona who also trains at Goodlife for figure. Boy, its great to have a conversation with someone that is going through the same thing you are sometimes- they just 'GET IT'

Before work it was back to the grocery store to get some veggies- yes, crazy huh? I am going through veggies like they are going out of style. It's sad when the cashier's start to recognize you and the same stuff you buy every week. "Oh! Hey, your back for lots more greens I see." Oh boy! At least its not like I'm back for more bags of chips or chocolate, right? Leaving the grocery store I was carrying 3 bags of veggies and one giant gym bag to the bus stop to get to work. One guy even kind of chuckled and asked if I was going to be okay.

Finally at work, I was tired already I had felt like I had done so much in one day. WRONG! Work was jam packed from 3pm all the way till 8pm tonight. I could not even sit down to have my meal I was suppose to have at 3pm till 6:30pm it was THAT busy. Thankful to get a tiny break I ate my food so fast because by that point I had been STARVING. I didn't even finish cleaning up the salon till 9:30pm when we close at 9- alright I was overwhelmed and stressed I figured it was time for some relaxation to calm my nerves. I hopped into a tanning bed for 12 minutes and felt like a million bucks coming out fresh and revived.

After I was all done it was time to go home to bed with my boyfriend. Now it is time for me to hit the sheets because I am struggling to keep my eyes open as I write you this blog!

Till Tomorrow!
Caitlin Cooke #11

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