Kris Josef Photography

Tuesday 8 March 2011


What a disturbing morning I had! I had a dream that my alarm on my iPhone was going off and I forgot my password to get into my phone so it kept buzzing and buzzing- I was going crazy. Finally, I ended up getting the code but my phone locked on me again and started buzzing and buzzing again. I then woke up from my sleep to realize my ACTUAL phone had been going off for about 20 minutes and my ACTUAL alarm had been ringing. Talk about one heck of a deep sleep- clearly I was over tired. I have never had that happen to be before nor do I want it to either I could hear that stupid alarm in my head for a good hour after wards.

Soon after a weird awakening I had to prep some more meals for the day and I was headed to the East end to visit the lovely Joan Macdonald of Daydreams Fitnesswear! I was so excited to try on my bikini because we had to keep canceling appointments due to some unfortunate things that had happened. When I finally tried it on and came out to the mirror it was as amazing as I had imagined. Although my body didn't make the bikini look hot quite yet I most definitely will rock it out on April 30th!
Pretty in Pink- Not Finished Yet!!

After trying on my bikini I quickly had to hop on a bus to Carleton U to meet a friend whom which I am personal training. A little bit nervous and scared that I was going to destroy her in the gym- which I did a little but took it easy on her since was the first time, she came out with some sweat and a little light headed. I must say though she was quite the trooper giving it her all when she had no more fuel to really push her and doing more sets that I would push her to do even though her body wanted to give out. That is the smell of success and dedication! I must say you did an absolutely amazing job today and you should be proud of yourself because I AM PROUD of you. Remember to breath ;)

So after all fun and games were done it was my turn to kick that old gym equipment around. Again we were back to my FAVORITE DAY- you know it BIG Legs Day :) So it was back to lunges, 4 different types of squats and you know it my favorite glutes and leg working machine the Stairmaster. I managed to burn 500 calories in 30 minutes not too shabby. My record is 820 cals looking to break the 1000 mark this competition anybody wanna make any bets on that? My legs were feeling pretty stiff after todays wild legs and it was time to EAT. I quickly changed and headed downstairs to the tables to eat some Salmon and Green peppers as I waited for my dead phone to charge. Anyone who knows me- KNOWS I cannot live without my cell phone.

Yahoo! My cellphone was all charged and first thing I had to check you guessed it FACEBOOK. I noticed a tag in a note from Dynamis Fitness and Lifestyles Inc. OMG- Nooooooo, YESSSSS! I had done it I made the Top 15 in the Search for the Next Dynamis Girl, I ended Round #1 in 9th place out of 69 (I believe) phenomenal women. WOW what an accomplishment on its own! Now, we all just have to wait and see who the overall winner will be. I must say I would not want to be those judges what an exceptional bunch of ladies to have to pick from. I wanted to thank my friends and family who supported me in the search- I would not have been able to do this without you and appreciate your support within my fitness dreams. It most definitely does not stop here. You can check out the amazing products that Dynamis has at And don't forget to read my Dynamis entry for the Search while you are there at In celebration of such a fantastic day- I came home and made myself a Dynamis REFUEL-S6K, white chocolate brownie protein shake... yummmy in my tummy!!

Finally home and have prepped my meals for tomorrow, just need to hop in the shower and wait for my amazing boyfriend to come over and enjoy the rest of this incredible day I had today! 

Blogs yaa tomorrow- Love you all!
Caitlin Cooke #11


  1. Ok so FINALLY you get something in my fav colour ... thank god, I was gonna disown your fine ass if I had to watch it in another, dare I say it, b.l.u.e. bikini ... :)

  2. woaahh woaah! what is wrong with the color blue?? lol
