Kris Josef Photography

Monday 7 March 2011


Sunday- what a beautiful day Sunday is :) Nothing really to do (except the gym) I can sleep in till whatever time I please.... KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!! Really? It's 9am and its Sunday I am totally not answering my door back to bed. 2 seconds late, KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK- Okay fine, fine, COMING! I open the door and it's my neighbor who owns a U-Haul Business asking me to move my vehicle so they can get at one of the little U-Haul trailers. Turns out it was Sami's vehicle so after an awful day of rain we got loaded with snow Saturday night and he had to go out and take a mountain of snow off his van all to be told about 10 minutes later they didn't need him to move it anymore. Poor Guy! Luckily we both went back to bed till about 11am when I realized I needed to get up, eat my first meal, prep my meals and GET to the gym.

 A meal prep- egg whites, celery, broc and 1/2 tsp of natural pb (tiny cheat)

I ended up at the gym for around 1pm and boy oh boy was I a sore girl! It was back to the wild Back and Abs Day- oufff I must say the back was feeling pretty darn good after the workout. Added 10Ibs to my previous weight on T-Bar Rows, deducted weight for pull-ups by 20Ibs (almost at full body weight pull up) and maxed out way more on my ab exercises. Considering I wasn't obligated to go to the gym today and went crazy on weights- I earned a pass card on cardio.

After the gym, me and Sam decided to venture around the Rideau Mall in and out of stores and had to pass the DEVIL (Cinnabon). I think he thought I was a little bit crazy as I covered my nose with my sweater sleeve to avoid smelling the Cinnamon GOOOOODDNESSS!! It was time to relax so I headed into work to enjoy a luxurious 18 minute tan- aww by far best feeling in the world on some sore tired out muscles- pretty sure I ended up passing out for a bit too.

Tanning was done and now that I felt all hot, sweaty and relaxed- I really wanted to just go home and relax. ALTHOUGH... me and Sam had made a bet for about 3 weeks about who could beat up who. LOL Yes sounds crazy but it was all just fun and games. We headed back to my place for a title battle- Me standing in one corner with about 8 years of Karate experience and Sam standing in the other corner with 2 years of Muay Thai and 3 years of Brazillian Jiu Jitsu experience. The match had BEGUN! So much for no cardio today- I definitely was a little out of breath after 5 rounds. And the champion...... *drum roll*.................................... ME!!! HELLO!! I even hit him so many times with my karate kicks that the top of my foot is a little swollen and bruised- operation= SUCCESSFUL! Till next time loser :P

              The foot of a champ!

After a pretty eventful day for a Sunday it was time to actually relax for the rest of the night. We ended up watching the movie SALT, wasn't too bad was a little confused in some parts but not a bad movie. What did everyone else think of the movie? After the movie, I limped to bed due to some wild leg kick/swings (don't know name) to my upper thigh from Sam when we fought. Pfff tough girl tough girl !!!

Time to hit the sheets,
Bloggg ya tomorrow :)
Caitlin Cooke- The CHAMPION!

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