Kris Josef Photography

Monday 7 March 2011


Morning Ladies & Gents!
It's Monday again unfortunately the beginning of a new week for most who work its the day most people dread although I woke up pretty happy this morning. Although I did have to go into work my meals were already prepped, I weigh 1Ib less, my muscle looks bigger and better and I am only working 4 hours today- YAHOO! The shift went by unbelievably fast because for some reason people like coming in for tans bright and early I couldn't even finish 150g of celery sticks for like an hour it was sooo busy.

After work, I decided to head back to Carleton Gym(I really missed that place) to get in some mega Arms & Shoulders Day. The bad part about the University gym is right around 3-4pm is peak hour and its is absolutely PACKED, half the dumbbells I needed were gone. I decided to sit around the weight lifting area and grab all the weights I needed for my exercises and take over a bench for a good 30 minutes. Was by far the smartest thing I thought of or I would have been waiting at least 10minutes between each workout to get what I needed. Boy were my arms burning after todays workout. I hit the stair master again for some gruesome cardio and it was off to the showers for me. I figured it was time to give you 3 serious progress shots with my digital camera before I stop showing my progress at the 6 week mark. I KNOW, it sucks- but I love surprising you all in the end.

Arms/Abs/Chest-54 Days to Go!
My Fav- Legs <3
Hello Back!

I spent the rest of my night making food, cutting up veggies, steaming veggies, weighing meats, putting meats in little tiny containers and now am finally sitting down again to write this blog! I am extremely exhausted and I know today's blog is somewhat boring but I can ensure tomorrow's will be eventful as it is an extremely fun filled PACKED day.

Love you all,
Caitlin Cooke #11


  1. You've become my inspiration. Keep up the great work Caitlin! You're a champ. :)
    - K. Sparks

  2. Thank you Kaitlin- I'm glad I've inspired you, I was hoping to do so by writing these blogs. Just keep you goals and dreams in the front of your mind and you will be able to do anything you tell yourself YOU CAN do!
