Kris Josef Photography

Sunday 6 March 2011

The Cookie Monster

Talk about a rough morning! I was able to actually sleep in today the bad thing is me sleeping in involved some pretty frantic rushing around. I had to prep all my meals, get to school and have a meeting with Chelsea. The day got even better the minute I stepped outside into a slushy mess- needless to say I arrived at school with soaking wet boots and socks, did I remember to bring an extra pair of socks? Of course not! The day I really need them I would forget!

When I arrived at school I met with Chelsea were we discussed some personal training and nutrition and I am hoping she is as STOKED as she said she was because I got myself all revved up and excited to turn this already stunning gorgeous girl into the best shape of her life!! Ramped up on energy because of such an amazing meeting with Chelsea I took me and my soaking wet feet to the Carleton U gym. First, things first my socks needed to be dry so it was straight to the dryer to hold my socks up for 5 minutes.. got a few weird glances and stares but you gotta do what you gotta do right??

Finally, when my socks were nice and dry it was time to destroy the gym with some CRAAAZZZZYYYY LEGSSS :) I know! I KNOW!! Everybody absolutely hates and dreads leg days but not me I am the complete opposite- I anticipate leg days, I am all about them and by far the best burning feeling in the world. It was great being back in my old stomping grounds and seeing so many familiar faces and gym friends. I won't lie though my last set of squats definitely killed me and was struggling to push the last 5 reps, I even asked my buddy Andrew to spot me but I ended up doing it all on my own! YAHHHH MEEE- the fun wasn't over yet, there was still some leg extensions to do, ab and adduction, calf raises and you guessed it my best friend the stair master. I must I never thought it would be hard walking DOWN the stairs haha felt like an 80 year old women with my legs almost giving out on each step.

 I know not a back day but I wanted to show you some back progresss- not too bad?

 Luckily I didn't have to hike across the city from bus to bus to get home and my boyfriend was nice enough to pick up my stinky non-showered self. Sexy huh? Don't worry! I showered when I got home- although that would be a pretty mean thing to do if he really made me mad huh? JK!!!! After my amazing, relaxing shower we sat down to watch a movie and finally enjoyed some Rest and Recovery- was amazzing, but then it was my last snack time and Sami was hungry too so he said he was going to go down to the convenience store next thing you know he comes out with this mega bag of delicious triple chocolate chip cookies!! LIKE WHAT THE HELL-  and he was just eating one after another like throwing it in my face like he was the cookie monster... pretty sure that's my title and it has been for years how dare you flaunt that in my face. To make matters worse he decided to give me a nice big kiss after eating about 4 of those delicious looking cookies... WHAT A TEASE!! I could taste the chocolaty goodness along my lipsss- yup, he was on my hate list for the rest of the night.

                        Curse you triple chocolate coookiesss!!!

Hopefully- he can make me some kinda delicious treat I can eat tomorrow and not tease me with! Chocolate flavored egg whitees??? hahaha
Love you all,

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