Kris Josef Photography

Thursday 3 March 2011

60 Days Out

As I sit here at work only 8 weeks out I wonder what I will look like on stage in such a small amount of time! SO MUCH TO DO SO LITTLE TIME!! It's the worst sitting here in front of a desk for hours on end and not think about food, it's usually at work when I would cheat the most. No more cheats from now onwards, I CAN'T!! Everything I eat now will effect how I will look on stage- everything I ate 2 months ago will effect how I will look on stage REALISTICALLY but I cannot change what has been done. The past few months for me have been up and down in regards to my diet and workouts. The stress of school, money, prep, family and friends- it's definitely been the hardest competition to prepare for... I CAN DO THIS!!

I need to remind myself I am ahead of the game for this one! My current weight (a secret) is the weight I was about 3 months out of my last competition in October of 2010. This can only mean good things... I hope *fingers crossed*. This will involve gruesome workouts of nausea, head spins, puking, puddles on the floor and complete muscle give outs. If you think I am joking- do not laugh!! Puking doesn't mean your workouts over, just means I might get a 5 minute bathroom break between my supersets. CRAZY?? Maybe- I like to call it dedication! 5 minutes to an hour of feeling like your about to die is worth every second because the reward in the end cannot even be explained!

My first competition I really wanted to make my friends and family proud but April 30th I want to wow my friends and family, I want to take it to an entirely new level. With many new friends coming to watch me, old friends who've supported me on my entire journey (Megan, Lisa, Brendan, David, Roxann, Alex, Zander- Love you all <3) and of course my boyfriend Sam who has not seen me compete yet in fitness competitions. It's a lot of pressure on my back to impress all these people who care for me and vice versa- not to mention I am pretty sure my boyfriend has some high expectations for me and why would I want to disappoint him.. right??

Alright so I am getting a craaazzzy carb inflated craving as we speeakkk :(

*1 Minute Blog Break- 8oz Water Chug*

Okay, tummy's filled with water, I'm GOOD! I CAN DO THIS I WILL NOT CHEAT- snack time in t-minus 1 hour-- YahhhhooOo! (8) Protein Protein VEGIIIIIIIESS, PROTEIN PROTEIN VEGGGIES (8)!!
5 More hours of work then crazy weights, bed and wake up to do it all over again--- this is my life!!

Until tomorrow my fellow blogggers/creeps/fans :)

Loving you all,
Caitlin (Cooke #11)


  1. i love it. best of luck! you can do it. -sofie

  2. thanks sofie, I am going to try my best to make you all proud!

  3. love you too booboo Know you can do it!
