Kris Josef Photography

Monday 14 March 2011

Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows

I woke up this morning bright and early as usual around 8am to get ready for an extremely exciting day for one BIG reason. Today, I was getting a new workout plan and new nutrition plan- YAHOOO! I could not wait to get to Free Form Fitness to hopefully cross my fingers hopefully have less veggies and maybe a teeny tiny bit of natural sugar from fruits, possibly-maybe?

Rob Lagana my trainer definitely saved the best or last and showed me my new workout plan first. I must sayif the other workout plan didn't drain me this one most DEFINITELY will. Supersets after supersets after superset! My workouts are also now split into working a bunch of muscles in one day- talk about a sore girl I am going to be. Me and the foam rollers are going to be best friends as well as worst enemies for the next 7 weeks I tell you. After grasping my head around my absolutely WILD new program it was time to get m new nutrition plan and BF % measurement- THE BEST PART! Okay and your new nutrition plan, first thing my eyes scattered around looking for was sugar, sugar- YESSSSSSSSS! I am allowed apples now and post-workout protein shakes :) If there was one happy girl that day it was ME! My diet was very similar to the previous one with less grams of veggies more protein and an apple added and some NUMMY protein shakes! I KNOW! You are probably wondering why I am SO happy about a little apple and some protein powder but TRUST me going weeks without any type of sugar you start to go a little crazy- LITERALLY. The night before I had dreams like the movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs that Reese's (my fav. chocolate bar) and Sour Patch Kids (fav. candy) were falling from the sky as I laid in a land of sweeet goooddnesss- lack of sugar.. hmmmm I THINK SO! This apple and protein add in was VERY much needed. On to getting pinched by the calibers and measure my body fat percentage. I was so nervous as the previous time I had went in my BF % had went up and I left the gym somewhat sad and disappointed. NOT THE CASE TODAY!!!! My body fat percentage was sitting at 14% for 7 weeks out I was one happy girl- I am right on track for Bikini category.
A very happy girl :)

 As I left Free Form Fitness with a smile on my face a new tub of protein I felt like skipping down the street in happiness- I am pretty sure I heard the song "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows" pass through my head for about 5 minutes. Hahaha I am not crazy this was a GREAT day in My Fitness Journey. I instantly called my dad and boyfriend to inform them of the fabulous news about my new diet, workout and body fat percentage.

Being so happy I figured what better place to bring this burst of energy than to the the gym. I love Carleton gym on weekends because it is so empty and figured it would be a great place to start Day 1 of my new program. Cable crosses, laterals, curls, extensions, squats, lunges- ya this was ONE day, boy oh boy was I going to feel it tomorrow. I could already feel it before I had finished all my super sets and headed to the stair master. I figured I would take it somewhat easy on the cardio today and not over due it because I could already feel how tight my entire body was. My day at the gym wasn't quite over as I still had to train a friend of mine after my wild workout. Tomato faced trainers are the new style- okay?

It was time to head home and clean out my 50 zillion containers and frying pans from egg whites, chicken and fish. I was completely drained and exhausted and figured I owed it to myself to have a quick hour long power nap. My boyfriend was working till about 9pm so I definitely had time to nap and get ready afterwards before we planned on actually doing something for once besides anything that involved the words- work, gym, bed, sleep or movies. He ended up getting to my place around 10pm and I had NO idea what I wanted to do.

Luckily my friend Megan texted me and invited us over. As I sat as Megan's watching everyone have alcoholic beverages it actually didn't bug me that much until we decided to head out to the bar. I must say it was nice to get out and go somewhere to get a bit of that social atmosphere but WOW bars are boring if your not drinking, everyone excuse me for saying this seems so out of control and much more stupid.

Horse Race @ Casino

 I didn't really want to be in that atmosphere anymore so we decided to head to Casino du Lac Leamy for some fun games. Me and Sami headed straight for the 25 cent horse races and only played for about 10 minutes before we started to get bored. I decided to sit infront of some 5 cent slots for about another 5 minutes when I ended up winning a big 9 dollars. We only put 20 dollars down at the casino and walked away with 11 less that we had started with. I am not a gambler at all so the Casino isn;t really for me but it's a different atmosphere to go to for a little it when your looking for something different to do. It was already around 4am since the clocks went ahead at midnight so I figured it was BED TIME.

We are now back at my place and so tired we can barely keep our eyes open- its definitely time to hit the sheets! Its been a long busy and fun Saturday bloggers!

Till tomorrow- I love you all,
Caitlin Cooke #11


  1. You inspire me :)

  2. nice job lady! keep it up with the postivity! Positivity goes a long way when inspiring and helping others acheive their goals:) (But you new that)

