Kris Josef Photography

Friday 4 March 2011

The Cinna Curse

What a rough morning!! BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP- how irritating the sound of my alarm going off at 6:45am.. hmm back to bed for me. Awaken at 7:45am by my boyfriend's alarm I jump out of bed to get into the shower. I have to be at work for 9am- this means breakfast made, dressed, hair done-- yaaah definitely was not happening, I left my house with wet hair and my veggies, eggs whites and egg on a plate sealed with saran wrap. I somehow managed to stuff the shredded wheat down my throat before heading out the door. Thank god I had a ride or else I really would have been a mess.

Unfortunately, I am not a fan of coffee so it's a struggle to keep my eyes open- especially the first 2 hours in the salon are absolute HELL because it is soooo dead. Okay... WOW- totally just leaned back on chair to relax for a bit and could barely pull myself back up because my abs are that SORE (not even kidding)- operation murder my body in full effect.

Two-o-clock was just around the corner and it was almost time to hit the gym when my fellow co-worker and best friend Megan said she couldn't be in till 3pm- an extra hour no big deal-- NO HUGE DEAL! I lost my mind I had my day planned out to a tee and don't mess with No Carb Caitlin. After talking to my dad on the phone for 20 minutes he told me to calm down and everything would be okay and am clearly grumpy because of everything I am doing. I soon apologized to my best friend and she understood she has seen me go threw this rut before.

Finally, I arrived at Goodlife around 3:45pm and as I entered the mall going down the first set of escalators and then the second I could smell that amazing smell of pastry, warm frosting, the sweet smell of sugar in the air. Oh no... not again! The last smell.... cinnamon.  It was CINNABON! This evil little place drove me absolutely nuts my previous competition and had the most ridiculous craving for it for weeks! Well the Cinna Curse is back and its going to taunt me in full effect till the day I compete.

Quickly, I rushed to the change rooms to prepare for my workouts as I over heard two young girls discussing there diets. "I eat only 3 meals a day at only 150 calories"- I couldn't help but laugh on the other side of the lockers at such a ridiculous remark. Her friend tried to tell her how unhealthy it was but she was convinced that this is what worked for her. Now, I am currently not a nutritionist but I can assure we all need more than 450 calories for our daily intake especially if we are working out at the gym. Today was Arms & Shoulders Day and believe it or not its the workout I absolutely HATE!! It is most definitely because its where I need a lot of work, luckily the gym was pretty clear- most likely because it was Friday so I was able to finish my weights in 45 minutes. BAMM- off to cardio again and guess what- no nausea for me today, although I did create a puddle around my Stairmaster :)
            After my workout- my arms looking pretty jackked :)
  Not too bad gotta work on that bicep some more- don't mind the ugly, sweaty Caitlin!!

After the gym, it was back to the grocery store to buy more vegggies those darn things are making me slowly go crazy I tell you! Brocolli here, cucumber there, spinach, green peppers, cauliflower, celery and some more egg whites. The cashier even said WOW that is A LOT of greens- yup sure isss! Now I am finally sitting at home relaxing and hope to get in a little nap as it's going to be a long night ahead of me. Unfortunately, I have an exam to study for so tomorrow schedule is Gym, Exam, Meeting, Gym and  NO WORK ...maybe I will get to do something fun with my friends or boyfriend-- haha justttt MAYBEEE!!

                                     Groceries @ The Cooke #11 Residence!

Hope you enjoyed my super doooper long blog- until tomorrow!

Love you all,
Caitlin Cooke #11


  1. Lol its a marketing trick, they purposely put cinnabon separate then the food court so that the smell is stronger and taunts you even more, evil cinnabon lol guess I know our first stop after april 30th :p

  2. OMG I know! And you bet that's the first thing I am eating April 30th gonna get pics for my blog too :)
