Kris Josef Photography

Saturday 12 March 2011

Dress Me Up Please

I woke up today, well how about we don't talk about when I woke up today! Finally a day off work- ouuf and did I ever take advantage of that. My boyfriend woke up around 7:30am and woke me up at that time geeez so I figured hey- day off I am sleeping in. Next thing you know I wake up again from my coma and its 1:30pm- WHAT!! Apparently all this crazy running around and not my 8 hours rest that I absolutely need finally caught up with me.

Awake finally in mid-afternoon it was time to eat some of my meals and get going with my day- hmm but for what? I really didn't have anything to do today. Okay fine, I sat down and finally enjoyed watching a little Desperate Housewives that I had missed on Sunday- LOVE that show!! After lazing around my house for a few hours I decided to hit up the gym around 7pm. It was back to Arms and Shoulders- BOOO!! Generally dislike because my arm muscles are in need of a makeover but got to do what you got to do. After an unfortunate arm day, which I must say I yet again increased my weight on my Ez-Curls and did some dips without no weight support- yahhooo me! I decided to conquer the Stair Mill- I am telling you if one machine does miracles its this one. Sweat, tight, sore and hot are words that describe my 30 minute battle with this beast.

Time to hit the showers and maybe make myself look half decent for my boyfriend for once in my life! He either see's me
1. Coming out of the gym
2. Out of the shower
3. In sweat pants and a t-shirt *its comfy after the gym*
4. In pajamas

I really owe it to him to maybe DO SOMETHING with myself this weekend since my lack of effort in doing my hair, clothes exc. is generally slacking. Like I said we met up after the gym, me in sweat pants, a sweater and wet hair-- surprise, surprise!

The Entire Collection :)

Finally, I am home to relax and finish the second of the Harry Potter movies. Pfftt- yes I may be a nerd and have all the movies and I may or may not be watching them all again, whatever okay, don't judge! Now relax time with POTTER.

Till tomorrow bloggers,
Caitlin Cooke #11

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