Kris Josef Photography

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Burnt Out

It's Monday again back to the beginning of entirely new week- new goals- new workout and new nutrition! I woke up pretty exhausted this morning and although I only had to work 9am-2pm today at the salon it felt like the longest shift of life. I ended up waking up around 6:30am to shower and make myself breakfast for the day- I had to bus to work today so that's why it was such an early morning. I had already prepped my meals the night before luckily so it was off to the bus stop to start my day.

My Inspiration- Justine Munro

My buses were on time one after the other so arrived at the salon fairly early around 8:20am and we don't open till 9am. I had time to fold towels, fill some supplies and sit down for 10 minutes to just gather my thoughts and day together. After what felt like countless hours sitting at the salon desk my shift was finally done and it was time for me to hit the gym. I felt so unmotivated today, my body was starting to feel the strain and fatigue and really didn't want to pull through for me to go to the gym. Luckily my MIND self-consciously doesn't give my body an option anymore- WERE GOING AND THAT'S THAT!

I pushed my headphones into my ears to actually get into the workout mood, the mood that I was ready to kill it and give it everything I had. Finally after about 10 minutes of listening to pump up music I was ready to get at it. Today was circuit training! A new edition to my workout plan and what a gruesome edition it was. This circuit hit my abs, legs and back all together- with little rest and HARD HARD cardio added in. My abs were so sore on my last set I had to get a friend of mine to pull me up off the mat because there was no way I could use anymore of my ab muscles. Sore and drenched in sweat fun and games weren't over it was back to the Stair master for 30mins to burn some more fat and build up those glutes and legs.

When everything was done all I could think about was the fact that I wanted to go HOME! I hopped on the O-Train and was so tired I could feel my eyes closing on me for the 10 minutes I was on there. The same thing happened on the bus ride home- I was struggling to keep my eyes open. I knew that from this point on these are how my days were going to look. Completely exhausted and drained! As I got into my house I shut the door and crashed onto my couch- I was in need of a SERIOUS nap! My serious "NAP" turned into about a 4 hour sleep and I woke up at around 11:30pm.

Now awake at 11:30pm I decided to cook my meals for tomorrow, write this blog and yes BACK TO BED! Like I said my body is in crucial need of sleep these next few weeks and without it I won't be able to give 110% at the gym.

Wish me a long long nap again,
Till tomorrow bloggers,
Caitlin Cooke #11

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