Kris Josef Photography

Monday 14 March 2011


Sunday's how I love the beautiful day Sunday. Sunday is my official relax day- where I take it easy and SLEEP IN! Since I got home extremely late I slept in till about 11:30am (not that late) especially since I was still exhausted getting up but it was time to get up as I had a few things to do today even though it was relax day. First thing on the to do list was breakfast as I was in desperate need of energy. I made myself an egg white omelet with spinach and hot sauce, 1 hard boiled egg and some celery and spinach on the side to top it all off. YUM! I must say that omelet was DELICIOUS for having none of that favorite food I put on everything the name shall not be mentioned just its letter C.

As I waited for my boyfriend to wake up sorry as I waited for him to go back to bed and get in some more sleep I browsed the internet to search up some fitness competitions coming up this year with different organizations that may strike my interest. I have not decided whether I would like to do more this year or if I can afford it but I can tell you there are at least two more that have striked my interest.

At about 3pm when Sami was done being lazy and sleeping in we headed out to Costco on Merivale so I could get a few things. Wow for future reference never go to Costco on a weekend it is absolutely crazy INSANE in there and takes you 40 minutes to get like six items. I bought a big pack of chicken breast, a huge piece of salmon, a bag FULL of Macintosh apples, egg whites, freezer bags and about 30 more containers to stuff my food into since I was having to rewash the ones I had every single night in order to split up all my meals and food- it was quite annoying. A Costco trip would not be complete without trying a few samples but I was definitely a good girl. I tried some crab meat, hummus and mixed nuts- my boyfriend on the other han was able to luckily grab all and any of the samples he could in sight. The grand total- $85 dollars! I know a lot of money for not very much food but I knew it was going to last me a while so it was definitely worth the trip. My grocery store adventure didn't end here it was off to get some greens yet again- eggplant, red peppers, zucchini, cauliflower and some more broccoli.

Yes! Jersey Shore has finally hit tanning salons.

By this point I was SICK of running around, hmm tanning time- I THINK SO! I went in for 18 minutes today and I most definitely passed out for that entire time I was in the bed and it felt so great. There is just something about a tanning bed that makes you feel oh so much better. I felt like I had accomplished so much in one day! Time to head home to put away the groceries, separate my chicken an fish into freezer bags and actually get some food into my tummy.

Sam decided to take me out for dinner to Milestones since I had never been before and it was actually really nice. Wouldn't min going there after my competition for a delicious cheat meal! I ended up ordering a Seafood Salad with salmon, shrimp, avocado and a bunch of greens in a white wine vinegar dressing. It was absolutely amazing the sad part was when the waitress brought over a menu of desserts to taunt in my face. A sad sigh passed as I said no thank-you but I did look over the names of some tasty treats I would love to try when all this is said and done.

Back to my house to relax for a few hours before I hit the sheets and by relaxing I mean prepping meals and of course writing you all this lovely blog. This was most definitely a GTR day for me- Groceries, Tanning and Relaxing- hmm if only these days could come more often. Sigh!

Till tomorrow- the beginning of a new and challenging week
Love you all,
Caitlin Cooke #11

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