Kris Josef Photography

Thursday 3 March 2011

Veggied Out

Yes, yes you got me, I am YET again at work but have some small things to say before I hit the gym and continue my blog later on tonight! So I woke up around 7am this morning EXHAUSTED but spent an hour prepping all my meals for the day into a zillion plastic containers (at least 10 different containers) people who don't understand my diet may think I am some crazy container women!

IT'S SO BRIGHT and early an hour making food for the day....breakfast, shower and did not even get a chance to fix my hair before I was off to work. Sami stayed the night and thought I was crazy getting up so early but I explained how long it took to do everything and he suggested I prep some meals at night. Pffffttt thought he was smart or something-- I prepped like 2 meals already and had 3 others to make. Although I don't want to admit it he was absolutely right! In order to get in enough rest I am going to have to start prepping the night before. Rest is crucial in the next few weeks in order to give it my all at the gym.

I worked a pretty short shift today (5hours) and then it was on the bus and off to the gym for a InSaNe -- Back & Abs Day! I must say after 45mins of weight training with head spins, body aches and sweat dripping down every inch of my body the last thing I wanted to do was cardio. I just shoved my earplugs in and destroyed the Stair Master like it was my job. I had a young guy pointing at me with his buddy- I tried to gather why he was pointing. Hmmm was my hair that crazy, was I sweating that much?? Mid-way through my cardio he finally approached me and said he'd never seen someone workout so hard in his life (earlier he had been doing weights when I was and had been keeping an eye on me). I said thank-you and got back to my music and machine- that's the only thing that matters when I am at the gym... Me vs. Weights/Machines! It's not a time for chit chat or small talk- I am here to workout!!! Soooo Buzzzzz OFF!!

                              Eggs/ Egg Whites/ Shredded Wheat/ Celery
                                               Chicken, Asparagus, Fish Oil
                                             Tilapia & Zucchini
                                Salmon & Green Peps

                                                                 Beef & Asparagus

As I struggled to pull in my last 5 mins of cardio merely 2 mins after I had finished it was off to visit the toilet bowl. Puke story #1 for you :) At least I had done it when everything was done and accomplished--- boy those stairs up and out of the gym were one heck of a challenge I tell you! Now I am here at home ready to eat another meal... but I am getting sick of veggies already 150g-300g of veggies in every single meal- my gosh somebody HELLLLP ME :(  Look at those meals!! Yeah sure they probably look not so bad to you right? Looks can't be deceiving ladies and gents- try eating the same thing every time of day for 6 weeks, not so fun anymore eh? WELCOME TO MY WORLD!

Okay its SNACK TIME- you guesssed it veggies & protein, then its dishes, meal prep, maybe throw in a movie, bed time and another early morning that awaits a similar routine!

Until tomorrow,
The veggied out-pukey-sweaty Miss Caitlin Cooke! x0x0x

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