Kris Josef Photography

Monday 18 April 2011

Run Away

The past few days have been pretty rough to say the LEAST! I had completely and utterly broke down Wednesday due to a change within my daily routine and schedule. The thing is every night I prepare for my next day- this includes meals, gym times, naps, work and relaxation. I like to have my days planned out to a tee to avoid stress and ensure I can get everything done I possibly can.

I ended up waking up around 9am on Wednesday but I was not concerned as my friend Megan said she could work for me if I needed and I wanted to get my gym hours in no matter what- it is my number one priority right now. I message Megan around 9am, 11am, 1pm, 1:30pm... hmmm by this time I was panicking because I had to be at work for 3pm. Unfortunately, Megan didn't get any of my messages till 2pm due to back-up and my other co-worker could not make it in to work till 5pm. Just my luck my boss also had a meeting at 3:30pm so there was no way around this obstacle. I ran out of the gym in my sports bra and shorts covered by sweat pants, a sweater and some SWEATY hair. NO SHOWER- YUM :) I called my boyfriend on the bus crying because I was overwhelmed- although Megan said she could work I had in my mind she was GOING to and because of the diet and workout stress I broke down. 

Finally at work, frustrated, sweaty and upset I glance at the May calendar to see if our boss has posted any hours for the month of May. Just to top off my day I see that my hours have been reduced to 18-20 hours a week. WOW! I can't survive off of this- again I break down and start crying. I immediately call my Dad for advice and possibly options - the idea of going home crossed my mind as a last resort but you have to do what you have to do and quite frankly 20 hours a week is just NOT enough. I again start crying because the though of leaving the city I have grown to love and friends I have made seems unfair and I WILL NOT LEAVE!!

This clearly was NOT my day and my co-worker Jessy came in for me at 5pm so I could go to the gym and finish my workout, I mean I was already in my gear and ready to go! Ukkk- I went and as upset as I was I finished everything off- THANK GOD! Now the only thing I wanted to do was go home and curl in a little ball and SLEEP. This is what I did home to bed and hope that tomorrow would bring a much better outcome.

An ice cream bar would have made me feel better today! To bad that was not an option :(

Thursday was a day to SLEEP IN- my rough day yesterday earned me a bit of a sleep in and stayed in bed till 10am. Although most would argue- Caitlin nothing bad really happened today and your day was not that rough. My response- you go workout for 3-4 hours a day, do the diet I am doing and let me know how you feel- Okay? Yes! I have hit the final stage the LAST push but I am more stressed and overwhelmed than ever. I was at the gym today from 1:30pm-6pm a very long time! But I must say I did cardio, had a break, ate a meal, relaxed in the massage chairs and then it was back to weight training and more cardio! Surprisingly today I did not need a nap after my workout, my energy was fine but my muscles are SO sore words cannot even explain. I felt like I had hit the age of 80 when I had to walk up those stairs at Goodlife. WOOO- I FEEL THE BURN!

I spent the rest of the night prepping meals, a little more abs and glutes workouts at home and posing. I use my DVD from last years OPA competition to guide me in practice. When my number is called out I play it out as if I am being called out again and practice, practice, practice. I must say if your posing right this is a workout on its own. Flex this muscle and this and this along with this one, smile, look pretty and natural- hmm okay?!

I spent the rest of my night relaxing with Sami watching a little television and I even got myself a nice little massage. THANK-YOU! It was sad because tomorrow Sami is headed off to Brazil for a week and I am not so sure what I will do without him. I am pretty sure he is REALLY happy to get away from grouchy Caitlin and is enjoying is getaway. I figured I owed it to him Friday morning to make him a little goodbye breakfast. I decided to keep it healthy and made him some protein crepes with a side of sliced apples- YUM! Was kind of jealous not going to lie!

This would have been a good morning snack too eh?

It was now off to work the morning at the salon from 9am-2pm and surprisingly the shift went by extremely quickly. Mid way through my shift Sami came and said his final goodbye before his hot sunny getaway. Okay I am not a loser but after he left I started crying- I AM DEPLETED OKAY!! haha I felt a little dumb but hey, he has put up with me for the past 2 months and has never gotten mad once, as I have yelled, cried, freaked out- he's been quite the helper and has supported me 110%. 

I finished off my mid afternoon at the gym OF course and headed home to prep my meals for Saturday and quite to be honest RELAX. It felt nice to have absolutely NOTHING to do and I most definitely soaked it all in I watched some old Jersey Shore episodes, enjoyed reading Facebook and laying down in a warm comfy blanket!

Let's hope my weekend is Joyful & EXCITING :)
P.S. Can you tell my sugar depleted?? 

Till tomorrow bloggers,

Caitlin Cooke #11

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