Kris Josef Photography

Tuesday 12 April 2011

It's A Passion

Hey Everyone! So it has been quite some time since I have posted any new blogs and I am extremely sorry but when it comes down to it meal prepping, cardio, weight training and quite frankly SLEEP are the most important things for right now. So even though I actually have a lot of my blogs typed up I am going to give you a brief summary of everything that has happened the past few weeks.

At the end of March I ended up getting my hair re-done my the amazing Miss Crystal and also got new extensions yahoo! The other ones needed to come out they were getting sooo worn out, I felt like a WOMAN again- p.s. extensions are evil- you will become addicted to them if you get them I PROMISE YOU! Hmm what else has happened? I met with the lovely Stacey a few weeks ago to do her hair for an 80's prom shoot- she looked gorgeous leaving my place and had the perfect hair for the shoot! It was nice finally chatting with someone who has been through the same thing, can relate to the exact same mood swings, break downs and CRAVINGS. I definitely missed this girl and was absolutely amazing seeing her again!

I have been chatting and texting a lot with my girl Johanna. We will both be competing on April 30th although unfortunately at different events which really does suck because I would love to watch her compete. When ever I have a break down or cravings I always text Jo she is there to encourage me, keep my mind on track and talk through my goals with me. I cannot stress enough how amazing this has been for me to have her by my side through this rough haul. Thank-you girl you have been quite the blessing in MANY ways.

A few weekends ago, WRECK MMA put on another great event at Tailgators- Throwdown in O-Town and it was quite the full house. These live Muay Thai fights were quite impressive for amateurs I must say- it was an awesome afternoon although my Ring Girl partner Christiane could not be there so it was a lot of getting up and sitting back down for me as the rounds were only two minutes long. Congrats to all the winners on your success you all did a fantastic job.

As for my training it has been going absolutely phenomenal! I am currently 18 days out (2.5 Weeks Away) and am extremely excited to dial everything in. I met Rob again last week and that put a great big smile on my face- I left with less body fat % again and looking lean, mean and muscular :) The only downfall about these last weeks is the body exhaustion. My body is struggling to KEEP UP and I have to force myself with every last bit of energy I have inside me. Exercises and weights that weren't hard before are HARD NOW- strange but it's reality! After every workout I am in need of at least a 45min to hour long power nap. People may ask why I do this? Simply because I love it! I love a challenge, I love fitness and I LOVE competing. I have competed in sports my whole life and I strive to be on top- competitions give me that thrill again on an entirely new level because of wild dedication it takes to accomplish my goals.

My diet does not even bother me anymore! I am so close and so use to it that it seems like as easy as pb and jam. I can walk past Cinnabon now without holding my breath and take a deep breath in and laugh. LAUGH that I have conquered one of my biggest cravings and how those delicious cinnamon and frosting pasteries have got NOTHING over me now. My parents will be here soon to help me the last week of prepping and lets be realistic to clean my house, buy me groceries- aww love you Mommy & Daddy! I absolutely cannot wait for them to get here as they are the people I cannot wait to see and show them what I have accomplished most.

My countdown to great great events is on- 18 Days till my Comp, 24 Days till Wreck MMA-Unstoppable (which you ALL need to get tickets for its going to be WICKED) and 30 Days till my Birthday. This is going to be a good few weeks for the record book. Oh OH and I forgot to mention I will also announce my two HUGE announcements the day of my competition so stay tuned.

Love you all,
Caitlin Cooke #11

P.S.- If you are looking for recipes, exercises or motivation add my fan page on Facebook- Caitlin Cooke Bikini Competitor!

1 comment:

  1. Awww YAY!!!

    "I can walk past Cinnabon now without holding my breath and take a deep breath in and laugh. LAUGH that I have conquered one of my biggest cravings and how those delicious cinnamon and frosting pasteries have got NOTHING over me now"

    That is the BEST thing I read there... good for you Caitlin!! :D Should be a GREAT show! Can't wait to see you!! :D
