Kris Josef Photography

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Back To The Grind

Hey Everyone!!
It has been a while since I wrote up something on here so I figured I would continue my tradition from last season in keeping you all updated every few days on my competition preparation.  A few updates I have been training full force again since the beginning of January for my NEXT competition! I will announce shortly so keep up with my blogs to find out when and where I will be hitting the BIG stage ;)

Emily Stirling WBFF Figure Pro

I have joined Team Stirling Athletes with the amazing WBFF Pro Emily Stirling and I must say the last 4 weeks have been extremely challenging. Emily takes a completely different approach to training and nutrition and one work "INSANE"! If you are looking for a glute kicking this is there girl for you!!

As challenging as these weeks have been I know its only going to get harder (diet as well as workouts) but in the end it will all be worth it and that's what motivates me. I've said it before- the end result is what motivates me!! The only competition I have is myself and I am out to beat my own physique in every competition I put my heart into. Of course there are athletes I would love to look like and are inspiring to me but in the end the only person you have to beat it yourself.

I must say though mentally I have been SO INVOLVED this time, cheats have not even crossed my mind. Yes I admit I have had a few extra almonds or greens here and there but nothing substantial and has only been done 3-4 times! For myself, diet is always the hardest part- I could bust through any workouts and push myself above and beyond my limits but when it comes to eating the same thing day in day out it tends to mess with your head a little. I HAVE CONQUERED YOU THIS TIME FOOD- MUAHHAHA!! 

As for my workouts I have consistently been going up in my weights weekly by anywhere from 5-10Ibs while even doing cardio on my OFF days. I could not be more focused :) I can't say that I haven't had awkward walks or hard time doing my hair the next day but I can deal with that- merely means I am pushing my body to great limits EVERY TIME.

The only challenge I have come across so far as a personal trainer myself is getting in enough sleep and my meals consistently every 3 hours. With long hours from 8am-8pm with workouts jammed in before and in the middle of clients- the minute I get home at night I hit the bed hard. It is key for me on weekends to do ALL my weeks worth of meal prep along with laundry- sigh :(

On another note my BF% has dropped 4% since January 6th and am more than happy with the changes that are occurring with my body. YAHOO :)

Here are some prep pictures for you all- enjoy!!

Till next time bloggers,
Caitlin Cooke #11

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