Kris Josef Photography

Saturday 11 February 2012

A Little Q & A

So here I am 11 Weeks out from Paul Dillett's WBFF Quebec Championships and I am so extremely excited to step on stage!! To my surprise, prep has still been somewhat "easy", I know I may regret saying this a few weeks down the road but workouts are being destroyed and foods eaten that are ONLY on my meal plan.

The month of January flew by and I cannot believe we are mid way through February! I put on a lot of muscle the last month and now its time for me to CUT and SHRED up my body. My co-workers are beginning to think I am a little bit crazy spending my days, nights and weekends ALWAYS at the gym. Any competitor knows this is what it takes in order to bring the total package onstage. I really think they should get me a small cot or bed for when I am too tired to go home or want to take naps. Wishful thinking!! Sadly I did bring my Magic Bullet to work though. We have a juice bar that makes fantastic shakes downstairs although it can get pricey when your drinking 3-4 shakes daily. The bullet has been quite handy the past week making me some yummy shakes and has been a treat compared to plain protein and water. Ice cubes make all the difference in thickening up your shake! 

In order to make sure I am dialing in properly my co-worker, David Bateman, Veteran Trainer and Strength Coach has been keeping track of my bf percentage and body transformations in preparation for the WBFF show April 28th and decided to sit me down for a little Q & A. 

Q: Tell us about yourself – how long have you been training and competing?
1.      A: I have always been an active person my entire life playing on every sports team you could name but only started weight lifting about 4 years ago. I became a serious “gym rat” in the summer of 2010 when I decided to compete in my very first fitness competition SAF (Serious About Fitness)in the fall.  
SAF Fall 2010
Q: What got you interested first in competing?  How did you get started? 
1.      A: A good friend of mine and fellow co-worker Andrea Morissette inspired me and also started me off with my training after she competed in her first competition and took home first place. She inspired me to get in the best shape of my life while competing up against dozens of other girls and anyone who knows me knows how much I thrive off of competitions. 
Q: Why did you choose the bikini division over fitness or figure? 
1.      A: I love bikini because it has the entire diva aspect to it. I love and respect the women who get absolutely cut and gain unbelievable muscle but as a personal preference I like the softer look of a bikini competitor versus figure. I also enjoy the less strict posing routines for bikini competitors being able to really show off your personality and poise to the judges on stage.  I am open to fitness model as well with a bit more muscle definition while still enjoying a fun posing routine.

OPA April 2011

Q: What is your philosophy towards your contest preparation?   
A: All or nothing!! When it comes to contest prep my life literally revolves around me and my show. Everyday the most important things to me are getting my workouts in (which I never miss), eating my meals and NOT cheating, getting a solid 8 hours of sleep and pushing a 110% EVERY SINGLE DAY. It does not leave much time to myself and the time I do have is spent prepping meals, cleaning, laundry or writing client programs.

Q: How important do you think training and diet are?  50/50?  Or one more than the other? 
A: In my persona l experience diet is definitely more important than workouts. I am not saying just diet and don’t workout because both should come hand in hand in order to look your best. I am saying that without proper nutrition it will take you much longer to attain your goals. As an example I remember I use to train my abs almost every single day and my coach told me “Caitlin just follow your meal plan, train your abs when I told you and everything will come together”. On that program I only trained abs once a week and surprise four weeks later Caitlin had a solid 4 pack. It is true when they say ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN

Q: Does your prep change a lot when you get closer to contest time?  What changes do you make to dial in your prep? 
1.      A: My prep constantly changes every 4-6 weeks based on the gains I have made the month prior. The closer I get to my comp the more strict food starts to get eliminating carbs, sugars and sadly sodium. Workouts tend to be similar usually with a little bit more cardio added in the last month to really lean out and tighten up your body on stage.
1.     Q: Who is part of your coaching team, trainers and sponsors?  How did you find them? 
1.    A: I am part of an amazing team, Team Stirling Athletes (TSA) coached by Emily & Matt Stirling both WBFF Pro’s . Emily has always been someone who has inspired me and I think its important to find a coach that suits your specific needs and goals. Emily has definitely been killing me on my workouts and has been very supportive when ever I need her help. She is really pushing me hard to reach the goals I have set out for myself which is extremely important for any serious athlete. I was also lucky enough to get a sponsorship opportunity with Catalyst Supplements last spring who have been supplying me with all my supplements for my contest prep. They have been absolutely amazing and I cannot wait to represent Catalyst Supplements and Team Stirling Athletes this 2012 Year. 

Q: How do you manage to work busy hours along with training and dieting properly? 
1.      A: This is definitely a hard aspect for myself being a personal trainer with a hectic work schedule. I try to arrange my clients around my workouts and prep all my meals on Sunday’s so when I am done work during the week I can get home to bed to ensure a solid 8 hours rest. I can’t say that some days I am not drained but I know it is all worth it in the end.

Q: What is your favourite part of the process?
1.      A: I would have to say my favorite part of the process is the competition day itself. Being able to showcase your transformation, hard work, and dedication is the best feeling in the world.

Q: What do you think is your best feature on stage?  Anything you are working on improving?
1.      A: I think my best feature on stage would definitely be my legs, which have a lot to do with my past and all the competitive sports I have played my entire life. This season I am working on improving my shoulders and glutes.
Q: Who are your biggest inspirations in the industry?   
A: There are so many inspiring women in the industry some of the big names that always cross my mind are; Emily Stirling, Chady Dunmore, Ingrid Romero, Julie Bonnett, Justine Munro, Nicole Nagrani, Leigh Brandt and Vanda Hadarean. 

Q: What is the best tip you can give to a first time competitor?  Any secrets ?  
A: Never cheat and practice posing every single day.  


Q: After doing the show for the WBFF, what is next for you? 
1.      A: I have a few shows planned for 2012 which I am not announcing quite yet. Right now the focus is on Paul Dillett’s WBFF Quebec Championships which you can all go and watch at The Casino Lac Leamy April 28th, 2012.

Q: How can people get a hold of you for questions or help preparing for a show?
1.       A: Feel free to visit my fanpage Caitlin Cooke Bikini Competitor on Facebook where I give tones of tips, tricks and recipes for everyone to lead a healthy lifestyles, follow me on Twitter @ccooke11 or e-mail me any questions at 
      I want to thank David for taking the time out of his busy schedule as well to interview me. You can follow David on Twitter @ wise_of_fitness or follow his blogs at

      Thanks to everyone for following my blogs and keep yours eyes peeled for more blogs, pictures and videos as I prep for April. WBFF HERE I COME!!

     Lotsa Love,
     Caitlin Cooke # 11