Kris Josef Photography

Thursday 10 May 2012


The past few months the number of who people have approached me asking why I was choosing to compete with The WBFF have been countless. My immediate response to those individuals was that it was the organization that best fit my goals and dreams within the fitness industry.  Before even the competition day itself I knew Paul Dillett’s stage would be like no other. The first thing that attracted me to the WBFF was the large amount of stage time given to the athletes to showcase their hard work. I have just spent weeks, months, hours working my butt off literally to get my body in great shape. I want more than 30 seconds to merely strike one front and back pose and then shoved to a line and merely remembered as a number.  Paul gives us time to really own the stage and show off our work while also having The MC give introductions of ourselves while we try and impress the judges.

The show day itself was unbelievably organized it blew my mind. As I entered the casino surprisingly there to greet me into the event and hold the door for me was Paul Dillett himself. I got to exchange a few shorts words with him about my excitement and how I was really looking forward to the big day. I mean I was about to compete with The Best of The Best- how could I not be excited? Not to mention I was a little giddy I had just met the man himself Mr. Dillett (IFBB PRO)- if only I had asked for an autograph. I figured walking in to the event and finding things would be a nightmare but The WBFF Team was at every single corner guiding myself and the other competitors in the right direction, on stage for the show, touching up our tans, you name it- the WBFF Team was there to make everything run as smooth as possible in order to make our day stress free. I must say this is something they executed extremely well in comparison to other shows I have done.

At the athlete’s meeting I remembered Paul & Allison really stressing they did not want any caddy athletes’ and for everyone to be open and kind to one another. The WBFF ladies and men were far from caddy. Downstairs all of us ladies helped each other out from tans, hair, suits and even sharing treats. The conversations were pleasant and most of us made friendships that will last a lifetime.

Disappointed I had not asked Paul for his autograph while also too shy to ask, to my surprise I would be walking away with his signature. I ended the night of the WBFF Quebec Championships with my WBFF Pro Card in the Diva Fitness Model category and but of course the famous Mr. Dillett’s signature. The whole experience was mind blowing being surrounded by so many great people and even meeting some great pro's themselves such as Michelle Price, Sara Solomon, Andrea Smith, Amer The Hammer and the list goes on.

Words to describe the WBFF and their shows are professional, organized, extravagant, real and like no other. The WBFF really is not like any other organization and I can say this from personal experience it really is the Best of the Best. If your looking for an organization that is real, will promote and reward you either amateur or pro, give you tones of exposure opportunities as well as sponsorships than this is the organization for you. Make that commitment to the WBFF and sign up for a WBFF Show at, you won't regret it.

I will be continuing my fitness journey to the WBFF Worlds Stage as I make my debut on the Pro Stage in Mississauga, ON in August at the Arts Living Center. I gave 110%  in my last show and I can promiise I will be pushing ten times harder knowing I will be standing beside some of the fiercest women in the fitness industry. It is all or nothing, no pain no gain, the best of the best, THE WBFF! Are you Ready? I AM!!!! 

 Your newest and proud WBFF Pro Diva Fitness Model,
Caitlin Cooke <3