Kris Josef Photography

Friday 27 May 2011

Fairy Tale

A lot has happened since my last blog! It has been over a month since I wrote you all last because quite frankly a few weeks before my competition my mind was focused and determined. I had one goal in my mind and I was willing to do anything to achieve it- so my lack of blogging was something that unfortunately fell through. I will be blogging more on a weekly basis and if I have extra time a few a week.

So what happened?? WHAT IS GOING ON?? The day of my competition I walked in more ready then ever and really and truly just wanted to have fun. This is exactly what I did! All the hard work was done and it was my time to shine. Preliminaries went by fast and before I knew it I was off to a photoshoot with Kris Josef and MUA Monica Kalra. Kris was such an amazing photographer to work with so fun and outgoing it made for such a great break between Finals.

One shot from the Day :)

 After the shoot I headed home for a few hours to eat some rice cakes and "rest up" a bit!  I still have yet to understand resting between prelims and finals I am always so excited and not to mention do NOT want to have to re-do my hair and make-up! So me and my best friend Megan decided to take some pictures together, funny, cute, silly and normal and after a picture overload it was time to head back to the venue and prepare for the Finals.

Meg stayed backstage with me until the very last minute to bikini bite my bum, take pictures and just be there to talk to me and keep my nerves down. For some reason I was WAYYY more nervous for the Nightshow. I reminded myself as my video was playing before I stepped onstage that this was MY day- the time, effort, pain and tears I had sacrificed could be shown off on THIS DAY.

"Have fun Caitlin and don't walk to fast" I whispered to myself. That is exactly what I did- I forgot I was competing, I forgot about my competitors and in my eyes the light was shinning down on ME, on MY accomplishments and MY hard work. It may sound selfish but it really gets rid of your nerves and to any competitor out there this day should be about YOU.

As the judges asked us to step back so they could call out the Top 5 my heart began to beat fast. I had never wanted something so much before- such a crazy feeling inside me of nerves and excitement.

#5, #4, #3- my name still hadn't been called..... #2 is number 11....I paused for a moment trying to remember what number was mine. I was confused and carb depleted and usually I am number 11 (my favorite number). After scuffling these thoughts through my head they announced the other girls name. And in first place #23 Caitlin Cooke. I could not believe it, I won- OMG I WON, I WON!!!!!!!!!!!! It did not feel real it felt like I was caught in one of my dreams I had been having for the past month. Somebody pinch me please...

Photo by: Muscle Inside (Top 5 Bikini Tall)

As I walked off stage my friend and inspiration Chelsea Boissonneault grabbed my Trophy to hold on to it for me and told me to get ready to go back on stage as it was time for the Overall Bikini. I was just so excited about my win I had to take a moment to compose myself. "Okay- focus Caitlin focus! Everything you got, tighten up, slow walk and confidence" I told myself in my head.
Photo by: Liana Louzon- Overall Bikini Comparisons 

It felt like the Overall comparisons took for ever and that we were walking back and forth from the front and back of the stage A LOT!! Little did I know it went by quick (probably 2 minutes) but it felt like at least 5-6 minutes. As the judges finished up their scores/votes they were satisfied and we were asked to go off stage and they would announce the overall winner.

"And the winner for Bikini Overall is #23 Caitlin" Angie P said on the microphone. I held my hand up to my face like a pageant girl in shock of her win and walked back on stage. Ashley-Ann handed me over this huge trophy and congratulated me on my win. The minute on stage holding the trophy was a bit of a blur to me it felt so surreal like I was in some sort of fairy tale. The only thing running through my mind what that my body was weak and that trophy was pretty darn heavy. I walked back off stage and everyone congratulated me it was so nice and kind. WOW- talk about the greatest feeling in the world! IT PAID OFF!!
Photo By: Liana Louzon- Me with the Overall Trophy (almost as big as me)

I ran backstage and yes, you probably guessed it to start eating some yummy snacks!! I went and indulged in chocolates, cookies, candies, chips- honestly you name it I probably had a little bit of it and success has never tasted sweeter. I enjoyed this fantastic celebration with many of the other FFF (Free Form Fitness) Ladies and we toasted to great success with a glass of red wine. It felt like this day could not get ANY better.
Photographer- James Elliott  
After having a mini celebration backstage it was time for me to go back on stage and celebrate with the other Overall winners Dwayne and Melanie. I must say these two were both fantastic people such nice and caring individuals it was the greatest feeling in the world spending that few moments on stage with the two of them. I then of course went and talked to each judge individually to get some feedback and constructive criticism in order to improve in future competitions. It was great hearing it all and will definitely know where to improve and make changes in my next competition.

Overall Winners- Myself, Dwayne H and Melanie G

After an extremely long day it was time to head home with my parents, best friend Megan and boyfriend Sami for some much deserved food and relaxation. My dad and mom continued to congratulate me on my success and how proud they were of me. It was time to eat and toast to a great day of amazing success while celebrating it with some of the most important people in my life.

Me- Ready to Indulge in food <3

Post Comp Meal- 1 pizza slice 3 wings, I was STUFFED!!

Cheers with Champagne to a great day!!

Stay tuned as I update you shortly on my next steps!
Love you all,
Caitlin Cooke #11